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It is time to kick off a brand new school year!  There aren’t many things as exciting as the promise of a brand new school year.  Everyone starts fresh and has an opportunity to make this the best year of learning yet.   The rooms are ready and filled with inspirational sayings, bright colors, and loads of informative text.  School supplies have been purchased and the teachers are hoping the Kleenex lasts all year! Fall sporting and fine arts activities have begun and everyone is hopeful of a successful season.  So much to be grateful for at this time of year. I am thrilled to lead the district in a positive direction for the eighth year and appreciative of all the people who work hard to make this a strong district.  I am especially thankful to the custodians because our buildings are shining right now.

We have a number of new faces in the district and would like to welcome them to the district.  Here are there names–if you see them in the future, please make them feel welcome!

Mackenzie Hopkins HSAP Coordinator
David Houy Food Service Director
Leigh Randall MS Social Studies Teacher
Calie Wallace IS Sped Teacher
Reagan Metcalf HS Social Studies
Michael Frisk Head Girls’ BB Coach
Jeffrey Gillette 2nd Grade Teacher
Steven Burianek 2nd Grade Teacher
Steve Borton 1.0 FTE Custodian
Joyce Clark 5 hr/day Food Service
Anneke Mundel 1.0 FTE HS Sped Teacher
Michelle Skartvedt .625 FTE HS Sped Teacher/.375 FTE HS SH Assoc.
Lisa O’Neal 1.0 FTE K-12 ESL Teacher
Jacquelyn Parker 1.0 FTE 6-8 At-Risk/Guidance Counselor
Daniel Wright 1.0 FTE Maintenance Director
Abby Anderson Intermediate Sped Associate
Deanna Hesson High School Sped Associate
Vanessa Nelson High School Sped Associate
Sarah Powers MS Sped Associate
Kate Vanderpool PS Sped Associate
Jeremy Eldred High School Sped Associate
Lisa Rouwenhorst High School Science Teacher
Kristine Blumhagen MS Library Associate 3.5 hrs/day
Kristyn Mostek PK Sped Associate
Craig McKinney Bus Driver
Jeffrey Eagan HS Girls’ BB Volunteer
Michelle Stuber MS Sped Associate
Chris Benda Asst. HS Football (50%)
Andrew Harris HS Football Volunteer
Bryce Smith HS Football Volunteer
Mike Orr 7th Grade Asst. Football
Kirsten Martinek IS Sped Associate
Hannah Gorman IS Sped Associate
Sonya Lorntson At Risk Associate

We still have some openings for substitute bus drivers and substitute cooks.  If you have any interest, please let us know in the district office.

We’d love to see you all at our upcoming events.  The school website has all of the events on the activities calendar so come out and support the young people in our community.

Gilbert Community School District

Gilbert Community School District

103 Mathews Drive, Gilbert, Iowa 50105  |  (515) 232-3740